Summer season is here and so is our hottest release 🔥

New Features

(1) New account type: Viewer

We added a new account type to the Stomio user roles and permissions. Viewer account enables managers and admins to invite other stakeholders who just want to stay informed on how a certain beta project is progressing. This is perfect for leaders, engineering managers, customer success managers and various other functions that may ask for access for visibility.


(2) Fork Messages into Tickets

If you’re chatting with a tester on an issue they’re running into and you uncover a new issue, you can simply fork a new ticket from that comment. Simply click on the message and fork it. Then keep going down the path of resolving both tickets.

Forking a

(3) Simplified Pricing

We massively simplified our pricing plans. Now offering two tiers: Team and Enterprise. You can start with 1 Beta project and add as you go. Beta testing is a team sport and we want you to win it without breaking the bank
