Stomio July 2022 (v1.5) is released! This release adds critical improvements on existing features and sets the foundation for our public launch next month
We are very excited to share new capabilities now available on the platform based on early feedback from our users.
(1) Task Preview
When creating your tester flow you want to see how your testers are going to experience this flow before launching your beta. With task preview, you can run a specific task as if you are a tester and check all the items you created for them.
(2) Free Trial!
Our existing users will receive 90-days of free trial as a thank you for their feedback (seriously, big thank you!). New users can create free accounts for 45-days with no credit card needed (be on the lookout for our pricing update next month!)
We keep improving the user experience on existing features and capabilities for the platform. We monitor our user behavior religiously so we can keep improving the experience and reduce friction for everyone. This release carries a ton of improvements requested by our early adopters
(1) Improved user login
We improved our user login flow by eliminating the need to validate emails manually. This makes the sign up process much more seamless
(2) Field validation
We are validating phone numbers worldwide and we integrated with Google Geocoding API to provide a better, modern way of validating shipping information and phone numbers
(3) Task and Step validation
We implemented a host of validations on Tasks and Steps to insure tester flow fidelity before you launch your beta
(4) Workspace user controls
We introduced a number of admin and manager account controls for a workspace to make sure a manager or admin are members of a single workspace and can’t be testers in any other workspace.